Navigation: Administration at global level > Group profile and job assignment >

File access security




File Access Security





File security feature could be activated in this menu.


Group profile filter

the staffs cannot access the company databases that are not belonged to their group profile.

Job assignment filter

staff could only access the job which is assigned to them.





Step to enable group profile filter


1.Go to menu admin>group profile and job assignment>file access security.

2.Scroll the page to Group profile file access configuration section.


3.Select Yes on Use group profile to control audit staffs access to pre-defined audit clients.

4.You can also impose group profile restriction to manager level.



Step to enable job assignment filter


1.Go to menu admin>group profile and job assignment>file access security.

2.Scroll the page to Audit Team file access configuration section.

3.Click Yes to enable file access security based on job assignment.

4.Extra setting can be made to allow audit team member to access past and next financial years.


5.Click on Update button to save changes.





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